Get creative! Host a morning tea, trivia night, or gala ball. Have a crazy hat day at school, work, or with your sports team. Ask for donations in lieu of gifts for your next birthday, anniversary or special occasion. The possibilities are endless!
Create your own
Nelson Bay Melanoma Awareness Golf Day
The Nelson Bay Melanoma Awareness Golf Day, organised by Lynne Willis, had a 'cover up for melanoma' focus. Twelve ladies from the Woolooware Golf Girls donned their sun safe long sleeve shirts and colourful socks to raise $400 for melanoma.
St Joseph’s Primary School
At St Joseph’s Primary School, at least three families have been affected by melanoma so for the last few years, the children of St Joseph’s have donated a gold coin to wear their favourite hat to school. This fun day for the kids, with a cake stall and other fun activities, raised over $800!
Aveo Morning Tea
Beryl Betts lost her grand-daughter, Emma to melanoma aged 25, hosted a fancy morning tea at the Aveo Durack Retirement Village. Although numbers were limited, over 100 guests enjoyed a delicious high tea with a range of home-made goodies baked by Beryl and fellow resident and retired chef, Trevor Webb. Guests were also entertained by the talented duo , Harvey and Harvey, who generously donated their services. Beryl raised $3520 to support MIA’s vital research.